At Moor Green, our commitment is to deliver a curriculum that is broad, balanced, enriched, and engaging, fostering the acquisition of skills through diverse learning experiences. We strive to provide depth of learning with appropriate challenges tailored to all abilities. Intent, Implementation, and Impact.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed, outlining the content and sequence for children's learning. Each subject is treated as an individual discipline, with concepts that bridge connections across subjects.
Our teaching, assessment, and feedback contribute to lasting learning. The curriculum ensures continual revisiting of previously learned knowledge, seamlessly integrated into our planning. This sequential approach facilitates progress, equipping pupils with the necessary knowledge for ongoing learning.
Our assessment system gauges pupils' knowledge and understanding, emphasising both progression and destinations data. We recognise that success goes beyond qualifications; it's measured in the development of well-rounded citizens. Pupil achievement is evaluated through a holistic lens.

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